Episode #106: The Conductive Learning Center

In this episode of Open Book we hear from Angela Freier, Director of Development, and Andrea Swiger, Program Director at the Conductive Learning Center of North America.

The Conductive Learning Center of North America (CLC) exists to provide opportunities for individuals with motor challenges to achieve optimal physical, cognitive, and social independence through the application and promotion of conductive education principles. This mission is underscored by our values of compassion, respect, excellence, openness, and wholeness. The Conductive Learning Center of North America believes that conductive education is the best option for individuals with cerebral palsy and other non-progressive motor disabilities. Their vision for the future is that all students with a motor disorder have the tools and resources needed to live life to the fullest.

Website: www.conductivelearningcenter.org
Instagram: @conductivelearningcenter
Facebook: @conductivelearningcenter
Upcoming event: amwayriverbankrun.com

Looking for Conductive Learning in your state? Check out www.acena.org



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