Episode #117: Open Book with the Northwest Rett Syndrome Association
In this episode of Open Book, we hear from Megan Brown and Harley Peterson from the Northwest Rett Syndrome Association. Megan is the current president of Northwest Rett Syndrome Association and Harley is on the fundraising team. Enjoy!
The Northwest Rett Syndrome Association offers connection, education, and advocacy for individuals, families, and communities impacted by Rett Syndrome. It is an Oregon-based 501(c)3, founded in the early 1980’s by a group of parents and professionals who recognized the need for a strong regional support group. Their member are individuals, families, friends, and professionals impacted by Rett Syndrome across the Pacific Northwest, including Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia.
To learn more about the Northwest Rett Syndrome Association and their upcoming annual symposium, please visit the following links:
Website: http://www.nwrettsyndrome.org
Social: @nwrettsyndrome